Thursday, July 24, 2008

Seven Spices

In Recipes and Remembrances From an Eastern Mediterranean Kitchen, a truly remarkable ethnography masquerading as a cookbook, Sonia Uvezian describes a spice mix that was once popular in the Levant called abzar harra (hot grains). This mixture is a likely predecessor for saba` beharat or seven spices.

I suppose we could always put together our own seven spice mixture, but we're fairly lazy around here and we just purchase it from the Phoenicia Market in Houston. Their seven spice powder is composed of allspice, cinammon, cloves, cumin, coriander, caraway seeds and nutmeg. It is an essential ingrediend for kefta kebabs and numerous other Levantine dishes. It's also very nice with okra and tomatoes, fritattas, and just about anything else where you might want to put some kind of mixed spice powder.

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